His skills are always hard to dodge and they have low cooldown. When Riven included at least these three pieces in her build she performed a lot better versus Aatrox than with many other common item sets.
How To Counter Aatrox Mobalytics
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Aatrox counter tips. Hes pretty much the demon of League of Legends and a. ChampionCounter provides League of Legends LoL champion counters and countering tips. Falls du zudem Ideen oder Tippvorschläge zu Countern von Aatrox hast schreib uns doch einfach eine E-Mail.
Both his Q and E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. 18 pts Teemo. Welcome to our Counterplay series this video will help you beat Aatrox.
Aatrox Counter for Top. Quick Navigation Introduction to the Darkin Blade Champion Abilities Introduction to the Darkin Blade This guy. Without the need to return to the base thanks to his w which allows him to clean the waves quickly and at the same time harm his enemies so taking this into account do not try to attack him from the place where the minions are to avoid that at the same time cleaning the.
Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times. Laning Against Aatrox Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in. Aatrox is a champion who can stay in his line as long as necessary.
Everything you need from build runes counters and more. This counter data is for Aatrox Top in Plat games. Statistics include Aatroxs Win Rate Play Rate and Ban Rate.
64 pts Darius. 15 pts Heimerdinger. General Counter Tips Aatrox How to beat Aatrox Sorted By.
Use this to avoid the sweet spot and trade with him. 17 pts Sylas. 4 tips to counter Aatrox as Illaoi You can use your W to close the distance between you and Aatrox when he attempts the first two casts of his Q.
Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills overall kills early lead ratio comeback ratio and win percent to give the whole picture of that champions effectiveness as a counter pick. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Top Lane champion who counters Aatrox. Aatrox Counter Tips LOL Impact Aatrox is played as a top laner and jungler.
Counters include who Aatrox Top is Strong or Weak Against. Die Klinge der Düsteren. Gegenstände die die Aatrox dazu bringen sie zu kontern Aatrox ist ein Champion der sehr auf seine Angriffe angewiesen ist.
Sort by role rank region. Beliebtheit Winrate die besten Items und Spells. Best Illaoi Items to Counter Aatrox Steraks Gage Spirit Visage Deaths Dance The ideal items to focus on in your Illaoi versus Aatrox build consist of Steraks Gage Spirit Visage and Deaths Dance.
Tips Against Aatrox in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors Friednuts says Try to block his passive with you W. 43 pts Poppy. Our Top Counter Tips for Aatrox If you kill him when his Blood Well is low on juice hell revive with much lower health.
34 pts Nasus. League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten Statistiken Fähigkeiten Item-Builds Champion Stats. Find out your strengths and weaknesses with Mobalytics.
Aatrox Counter and Tips - ChampionCounter Aatrox P Q W E R Counter Information 16 Weak Against Malphite. 969 Killing him when his resource bar is low will make him revive with much lower health. If he uses them try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while theyre down.
Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. 765 Attack speed reduction itemsskills are great against him as most of his damage comes from auto attacking. When Illaoi bought at least these three items in her build she performed a lot better vs Aatrox than with most other typical item sets.
LoL Statistics Guides Builds Runes Masteries Skill Orders Counters and Matchups for Aatrox when played Top. 23 pts Sion. Aprende de los mejores y peores picks contra Aatrox en el Parche 122.
The Best Aatrox build guide by OPGG - Providing Aatrox build with the highest win and pick rate. Riot-partnered UGG analyzes millions of LoL matches. His E is pretty telegraphed making it easy to.
The percent shown is the enemy champions counter rating against Aatrox. Hier findest du eine hilfreiche Übersicht zu Countern von Aatrox. Win Champion Select with Aatrox counters for LoL S12 Patch 122.
His Dark Flight is easy to dodge just avoid the centre of it and you can tear his face up. 22 pts Singed. Do your best to freeze the wave on your side of the lane as long as possible.
765 Attack speed reduction itemsskills are great against him as most of his damage comes from auto attacking. Guides Builds Counters Skins Abilities QA To. E to dodge his 3rd Qs or to cancel his W on you Good Shen Stuff by Friednuts Shen Player 0 TheChoz3nOne says I underrated Aatrox in S11.
Aatrox The Darkin Blade Fighter Jungler Top General Counter Tips 969 Killing him when his resource bar is low will make him revive with much lower health. 47 pts Wukong. Los mejores counters de Aatrox basados en un análisis diario de más de 10000 partidas.
Aus mehreren hundert Spielen haben wir analysiert gegen welche anderen Champions Aatrox stark und schlecht ist. 606 Try to avoid his Dark Flights center of impact to avoid getting knocked up. Best Riven Items to Counter Aatrox Goredrinker Guardian Angel Black Cleaver The most crucial items to focus on in your Riven versus Aatrox build include Goredrinker Guardian Angel and Black Cleaver.
Darius gets a little mad back here when people disable JavaScript so beware things might not work properly. Submit a Counter Tip 606. This guy right here.
The Best Aatrox build guide by OPGG - Providing Aatrox build with the highest win and pick rate. 31 pts Strong Against Gangplank. 69 pts Camille.
Wenn Sie also einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Champion wollen könnten Sie ihn mit den folgenden Gegenständen haben. Everything you need from build runes counters and more.
Tier List Based On Aatrox Matchups In Patch 11 5 R Aatroxmains
Aatrox Counter The Best Counter Picks Aatrox Is Weak Against
Counter Tips To Beat Aatrox Lol Impact