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Lb counter picks. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip. Our Top Counter Tips For Leblanc. Be the first to submit a counter tip.
Best Akali counters based on a daily analysis of 10000 matches. Discover todays most effective builds against any champion in League of Legends. Find LeBlanc counters based on role and lane stats including win KDA first bloods healing early lead comeback ratio counter kills and more for use during champion select.
Be the first to submit a counter tip. Be the first to submit a counter tip. Zed Riven Ezreal Lee Sin Master Yi Yasuo Teemo Rengar Vayne Poppy Kindred Lucian Ekko Nidalee Shaco Thresh Ryze Jax Fizz Ahri Nasus Malphite Udyr Wukong.
Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. LeBlanc Fizz Ryze Counter mechanics. Aphelios 47 5 93.
Stealth Detection and non-target CCDamage Counter items. Statistics include LeBlancs Win Rate Play Rate and Ban Rate. Select a champion to see its counters.
But the reality is if youre not winning your. Be the first to submit a counter tip. Verbessere jetzt deine Skills mit dem neuen Trainingsplan.
Skillshot heavy so boots is a good item to pick up early. Theyre listed based on their win rate against LeBlanc. How to counter LeBlanc as Kayle.
The Best LeBlanc build guide by OPGG - Providing LeBlanc build with the highest win and pick rate. LeBlanc 48 4 93. Learn about the best the worst picks against Vladimir in patch 123.
Click the Tips button to. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip. How to counter Syndra as Veigar.
Here are a few of the most popular picks. Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal. Be the first to submit a counter tip.
Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip. Be the first to submit a counter tip. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip.
Click the Tips button to. Find Vex counters based on role and lane stats including win KDA first bloods healing early lead comeback ratio counter kills and more for use during champion select. Be the first to submit a counter tip.
Play smart with our LoL champion counter picks and statistics. If you have Sigil of Malice cast on you but you think youre safe behind. LoL Statistics Guides Builds Runes Masteries Skill Orders Counters and Matchups for LeBlanc when played Middle.
Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Champion WR Matches Guide Overall Average 521 123 222 Akshan 567 3 200 Diana 567 1 327 Vex 561 6 727 Malzahar 557 2 529 Galio 555 1 299 Lissandra 553 3 392 Kassadin.
Hier findest du eine hilfreiche Übersicht zu Countern von LeBlanc. Counter picking stats for LeBlanc. Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia ChoGath Corki Darius Diana Dr.
Falls du zudem Ideen oder Tippvorschläge zu Countern von LeBlanc hast schreib uns doch einfach eine E-Mail. Counter picking stats for Vex. This is your opportunity to hurt her while shes in range.
How to counter Ekko as LeBlanc. Ryze 46 2 74 22. Lee Sin Renekton Garen Galio Jayce Counter mechanics.
Fast and high damage burst constant CC Counter items. How to counter Katarina as Azir. Counter Pick is a universal concept a very effective one in MOBAs such as League of Legends.
Aus mehreren hundert Spielen haben wir analysiert gegen welche anderen Champions LeBlanc stark und schlecht ist. How to counter Yasuo as Azir. Leblanc has 025 seconds before she can dash back to her original location.
Riot-partnered UGG analyzes millions of LoL matches. Sort by role rank region. Renekton 48 4 78 14 7.
LoL Counter - League of Legends Counterpicks Champion Info All the Champion info you could want with counterpicks general counters lane synergy and more. Counters include who LeBlanc Middle is Strong or Weak Against. How to counter Syndra as LeBlanc.
Syndra goes Even With. Every player can use traditional Champion Counter Pick Item Builds and even learn quick tips on the way. Azir is Strong Against.
Add Another Weak Pick. LeBlanc is Strong Against. Add Another Strong Pick.
Be the first to submit a counter tip. Learn about the best the worst picks against Akali in patch 123. Magic resist banshees veil hexdrinker Tips.
Add Another Weak Pick. CounterStats provides valuable counters for every League of Legends Champion. Best picks vs LeBlanc worst picks vs LeBlanc These champs are strong against LeBlanc at most phases of the game.
How to counter LeBlanc as Akali. Try to break the tether from her E or else it leaves you open to being hurt by her Sigil of Malice. How to counter Ahri as LeBlanc.
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